Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Secret Pal Granola

Just to warn you…it makes enough for an army. 4-6 pounds of oats is like 28 cups or something crazy like that…I did all the math and wrote it down on my paper (wish I could find it…I’ll try again). Anyway I ended up mixing it together in a 5 gallon bucket cuz I didn’t have a bowl big enough!
Warm slightly and Mix:
1 ½ c. Canola oil (could use olive or grapeseed oil)
½ c. water
4 tsp. Vanilla
1 ½ c. honey- I put 1 cup honey and about 1 cup agave nectar so it was a little sweeter, but the glycemic index isn’t really higher
Add and mix:
3/4 c. sugar- I used jsut 1/2 cup of dark brown sugar or muscovada sugar—they're better for you-- you could replace all of this with agave or honey if you wanted & then there would be no processed sugars in it, it turns out great that way too, just add a little more dry-time or reduce water a bit.
1 tsp cinnamon- I put in a bit more than this- prob 1 1/2 or so
1 tsp. salt
4-6 pounds rolled oats
2 c. coconut- I put in more—probably close to double I would guess (sometimes I like to put about half of it in the blender and make a powdery sort of a thing with it, then it coats everything else—yum!)
2 c chopped nuts- I used raw almonds and raw cashews and I put in more than double- almost 6 cups I think (used the food processor to chop them)
2 c. wheat germ
1 ½ c. sunflower seeds- didn’t have any, so I didn’t use them (don’t like the flavor as much as almonds and such)
1 ½ c. sesame seeds- I put in flax seeds instead and prob 2 cups of it

Spread on dehydrator trays. Dehydrate until just barely dry (takes 6-12 hours so just check it every once in a while). Break up a couple of times while drying. (Can spread on ½ size bun pans and bake in 175 degree oven until lightly brown). Keep tightly covered. If you use the dehydrator instead of oven it will be a raw cereal—all enzymes intact. Totally good for you. I think that’s all the changes I made we like it with Silk Brand Vanilla Almond Milk or with my mom's canned peaches and milk for a dessert- tastes like peach cobbler-yum! …enjoy! I know my family does. :)


  1. Yum! This recipe sounds like it would be a great Christmas gift for friends and neighbors! (since it makes so much)
    I'm not going to wait til Christmas to make it though.. :)

  2. I made this today and it was so fun! It tastes delicious! I just halved the recipe, and instead of sugar I used honey, agave and maple syrup. I also added raisins and I used sliced almonds and flax seeds. Thanks Jess!
